BCM325 Pitch – Creating digital love languages


As outlined in my pitch, for my Digital Artefact I will be exploring the role that technology and social media can play in enhancing our relationships and communications. I will create a proposal and plan for an app that is used by couples to create their own symbolic, visual ‘love language’ that is shared between their phones and is generated through the app using their input to create a unique form of communication.

My proposed timeline is as follows:

Week 4+5: Research a) how symbolism, colours and visual play a role in human communication and the way we use social media and other technology b) app development and what steps are taken to scaffold and propose an app

Week 6: Create a physical program for couples to attempt creating a visual/symbolic ‘love language’ through – may be on paper or simple online program. Start sourcing couples/friends to take part.

Week 7: Begin couples/friends on program, hold focus groups/meetings if necessary (in a social-isolation friendly format) to research what user do and don’t want from the app

Week 8: Present beta and use feedback to determine next steps in research and development

















image source: https://www.petagadget.com/gadget/litezilla-interactive-light-wall/

7 thoughts on “BCM325 Pitch – Creating digital love languages

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  1. Daisy

    This is a really interesting idea! I’ve considered the way that social media and technology has impacted on relationships, but had never considered the idea of an own love language. I think the visual element is so interesting, considering how much emojis have impacts on communication.

    This source ( http://ezproxy.uow.edu.au/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=eric&AN=EJ1126897&site=eds-live ) looks into the use of emojis, and how they are a language themselves. You might find it interesting that Alshenqeeti draws on the idea that emojis are somewhat a return to hieroglyphs and cuneiform, or otherwise, a return to “an earlier stage of human communication”.
    Whilst it’s important to consider Wendell Bell’s finding that “the past is not a guide to the future”, I think this information relates to your DA as the foundation of your DA relies on communication through visual images. Further, looking at this weeks lecture I think that your DA links to Sardars quote: “future is little more than the transformation of society by new western technologies”. I think this idea links directly to your DA, as you mentioned in your pitch that those who have grown up with these new digital inventions are familiar with abbreviations and digital communication.

    Alshenqeeti discusses how emojis can create a sentence with meaning and fill the “void for facial expressions that enhance communication” to convey emotion and intent behind a message. Within your DA, the “love language” which is unique for each person, would allow for the couple to explore their own verbal communication and the facial expressions they use, to further create their language through the app.

    Emojis are used within social groups and Alshenqeeti finds that they eventually develop their own paralanguage. Alshenqeeti argues that these “paralanguages lead to the evolution of language over time”. So looking into the future, your idea may evolve into a new language! What sort of time frame are you looking at in your DA in terms of the future? I think you should consider the possibility that your app creates a new language, or due to the uniqueness of each language, many paralanguages!

    Your DA can further explore the way that technologies can transform the language within society. I think your idea of inventing an app is great! Have you considered the idea of AI, and the possibility that your device learns your love language by listening to conversations and recording data, and then creating the visual imagery for you?


    Alshenqeeti, H 2016, ‘Are Emojis Creating a New or Old Visual Language for New Generations? A Socio-Semiotic Study’, Advances in Language and Literary Studies, vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 56–69, viewed 10 April 2020, .


    1. Hi Sophie,
      Thank you so much for your feedback! I love your idea of having AI listen to conversations and record data to create visual imagery. AI is a personal interest of mine and I think it would push further my idea that technology has almost become a third member of our relationships with our loved ones.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey Daisy,

    I really love your DA idea as it is a topic that I am personally interested in and believe plays a big role in today’s society. In my DA I am aiming to discuss how the accessibility of technology has impacted dating and how it has changed the idea of relationships over time. I have an article that discusses how dating has changed over time and how technology has impacted these changes which I think you may find interesting. https://books.google.com.au/books?hl=en&lr=&id=aOJyAwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA159&dq=dating+then+and+now&ots=wGwRJkIXf5&sig=-mkDOW2fGSUBwoSqFzxj8x3eQLo#v=onepage&q&f=false

    I have also found a really interesting source that discusses computer mediated communication (CMC) and how the use of emoji’s triggers an affective response and is in recognition with romantic and sexual interactions. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0221297

    The idea of an app that creates a personal love language is extremely intriguing and I am very excited to be following your progress on this. I do believe that technology and social media has become a part of our relationships today and that it can in one aspect enhance these relationships. Without the use of emojis, messages can easily be misinterpreted when communicated through mediums opposed than face to face. They bring a sense of clarity to messages, as discussed in this article. https://www.psychologytoday.com/au/blog/love-digitally/201909/is-romantic-success-related-emoji-use

    I am also extremely interested in your discussion on abbreviations as I personally believe they often dilute the meaning of things, such as ‘ILY’ being less meaningful than saying ‘I love you’.

    Overall, I look forward to what is to come and wish you the best of luck.



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